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Arielle's Reflection

Throughout the course of ME 270, I have definitely developed both my technical skills as an engineer and my interpersonal skills working as a member of a team.  Evaluating my performance throughout this project, I recognize that I had both strengths and weaknesses; however, I was able to learn from both. As a member of a team, I was a strong, dedicated member who actively took initiative within our mini projects, labs, and the main project.  Additionally, as someone who likes planning and reflecting on progress being made in a project, I was someone actively attended all team meetings and helped delegate tasks so everyone worked efficiently. For all of my strengths displayed throughout this project which helped me excel, I did have weaknesses which I could improve on in the future.  Although I have learned to manage time well in college, there were still times throughout this project where balancing schoolwork, work, and other activities became challenging, but not something that I could not overcome. In future design projects, I hope to continue to bring forth these strengths and work to improve upon my weaknesses.


Through a variety of topics and ideas presented in ME 270, I can certainly say that I gained a lot of valuable knowledge which will be applied to real-life engineering problems.  Coming into this course, I had some background knowledge on manufacturing techniques and design, but could not have imagined that I would learn so much about topics I thought I previously understood well.  Starting from the beginning of the course with basic design processes and moving into 3D printing, machining, casting techniques, and sheet metal working I gained a better understanding of prototyping and the fundamental techniques used to machine simple and complex parts.  Moving into dimensioning and tolerancing, I was able to relate this subject manner to machining techniques learned and the importance of understanding your physical constraints when designing. One of my favorite units of ME 270 involved injection molding where we were able to create and mold a custom part during our labs.  After understanding some of the basic techniques of manufacturing I was able to put it all together when considering assembly and designing for assembly. When learning each of these topics, I found it very valuable to apply what I was learning during labs. Seeing how my knowledge could be applied further showed me how I can apply this knowledge in an actual engineering career.  Most of all, the content of this course has given me a new engineer’s eye, looking at products around me differently and always considering who another engineer made their own innovations.


The highlight of this course, in my opinion, was working on the main project.  I thoroughly enjoyed working with a team to tackle an engineering problem, all while applying knowledge gained in class.  My team worked on the 3D printing pen, a product that was both fun to work with and challenging to redesign. Working on the main project allowed me to interact with other team members while exploring various aspects of design in mechanical engineering.  The main project was definitely one of the more challenging parts of ME 270, but also the most fun and most rewarding. Being a part of the ME 270 community allowed me to meet new people and expand my views on how mechanical engineering can be applied to the real world.  Parts of ME 270 were challenging and sometimes the workload during the course was difficult, but in the end, it was all very rewarding.


As a student, now approaching the end of ME 270, I have already found much of the knowledge I have gained throughout this semester applicable to real life through internships and lab experience.  Throughout the semester I worked as an intern with Psyonic, a company in Research Park. As a mechanical engineering intern, I was fascinated by how many of manufacturing techniques I learned about in ME 270 could be applied to the work I was doing outside of class.  Working with a start-up to build bionic limbs and prosthetics, I was fascinated by how my knowledge in ME 270 could help me be a better engineer in projects I was very interested in. I truly believe that the knowledge gained in this course will be applied to all engineering work and projects I will be a part of in the future.  From simple design work to making an impact on the engineering field as a whole, having strong background knowledge on manufacturing techniques is highly beneficial. I hope to continue to see these skills applied in my career and to keep learning more to further improve.

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