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DFM Intro

As a group, we initially met quite a few times to choose the most fun and innovative item to renovate. Individually, we ranked a variety of products that would yield both an inventive and successful outcome. After the ranking, each individual explained his or her top three ranked ideas to the rest of the group. Barring criticism, we believe this method was fruitful because each individual had a voice in determining the best idea to use for our semester long project. After each individual shared his or her ideas, we reconvened to finalize our project selections.  By the end, we, as a group, narrowed our product list down to three different products. This list was further narrowed using techniques such as Reverse Brainstorming as well as the SCAMPER method, and we used them to consider how we could change and redesign each of the three products. By figuring out which product had the most room for improvement, and also was we finally decided to choose the 3D printing pen by Tipeye. With its low cost and provided filament, we had everything we needed to begin testing and dissecting the pen to create an updated prototype.

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